Arabic Grammar Notes

Arabic Grammar Complete

Arabic is gateway to Knowledge. One cannot enter into the roots of this beautiful deen without Arabic. Subhanallah, one cannot even understand miraculous nature (I’jaaz) of the Qur’aan without Arabic. When such is the case, all through the ages non Arabs made attempt to learn Arabic.
In doing so, challenges faced by non Arabs mainly revolve around number of strict rules of Arabic grammar, its case endings and verb forms. Yes it’s true as they say: we mess Dammah with Fathha or Kasrah with fathha and so on.
Alhamdulillaah, ultimate success lies with Allaah. To overcome this difficulty, following may help
>  Consolidation of grammar rules on the topic with immediate examples
>  Special focus on case endings
>  Smooth input of Vocabulary and immediate usage
The above are features of Shaykh Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips’ book "Arabic Made Easy series"
I am studying this book with KIU but I need to retain the above in my store house (brain) masha Allaah. To do that, Mindmap is one among the tools which will help insha Allaah. Therefore, I will be posting series of post on the topic in the form of mind maps according to chapters of the book
Fond Regards,
Umar Shariff

Arabic Made easy series by Dr.Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

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