Saheefa Uloomul Qur’aan – Pocket book
Everyone knows Qur’aan is the only book in the face of the earth today whose content is unique and the author is unique. Subhanallaah, Allaah loaded the Qur’aan with a number of sciences. Alhamdulillah, Scholars of Islam developed science to study the sciences of Qur’aan known as Uloomul Qur’aan. This is the Science which every Muslim should accustom themselves with.
Alhamdulillaah, it is a delight for Illume Academy to conduct an intensive workshop on Uloomul Qur’aan. What further adds to it is having Shaykh Assim al-Hakeem (hafidhahullaah) as an Instructor of the workshop. Based on Shaykh’s lecture and handout, myself along with other students developed a small two-page pocketbook for quick revision. Posting here hoping it will beneficial for all bi-ithnillaah
Asalam alikum brother, any chance of the pocket book as off format?
Waalaikumasalam warahamtullaah Akhi,
Do you mean Office format?