Khutbah – Tool which is Underutilized

Khutbah is one of the powerful tools of Islaam sanctioned by Allaah azza wajal in educating, moving Muslims towards what Islam wants. However, this Prophetic tool was not well availed these days. If we have Khutbahs, according to its definition, in every Masjid, Subhanallaah it will really bring a change which we cannot even imagine bi-ithnillaah.
I was really excited to find a link that will help preparing and organizing Khutbahs alhamdulillaah. I am sharing it here:
Alhamdulillaah, it is a good attempt by Waterloo brothers and Sisters in reviving the spirit of Khutbah. I believe they will improvise Khutbah generator further and make it as an unique tool for the ummah. I ask Allaah azza wajal to bless all those who are involved in this project
If you are saying “I dont give Khutbahs”, I feel you can use this tool in preparing your lectures.
Again, if you feel the same for lectures, pass on the message to your Khateebs and the lecturers
Putting all these things aside, If you are wondering what is Khutbah according to Qur’aan and Sunnah at the first place, then it is time for you to learn “What is Khutbah?”
May Allaah have mercy upon us all
Fond Regards,
Umar Shariff

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