Saheefa Uloomul Qur’aan – Pocket book

Everyone knows Qur’aan is the only book in face of the earth today whose content is unique and author is unique. Subhanallaah, Allaah loaded the Qur’aan with number of sciences. Alhamdulillaah, Scholars of Islam developed a science to study the sciences of Qur’aan known as Uloomul Qur’aan. This is the Science which every Muslim should accustom themselves with.

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Saheefa Authority of Sunnah – Part 1

One topic of study which every Muslim should engage themselves is study of Authority and importance of Sunnah. Allaah knows the best, if this Ummah is able to understand Sunnah is an authority in the religion alongside with Qur’aan, then most of the problems which this ummah is facing/fighting will be easily solved. Degradation of sunnah is nothing but an often used strategy by kuffars, particularly Orientalists and those who want to deviate from this deen. Attacking the Sunnah became common these days. If one wants to know the reality of position of Sunnah….

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Saheefa Usool al Hadeeth – Part 1

“People who reject Hadeeth are those who lack knowledge in Hadeeth”
“If Allaah have not blessed this ummmah with any science except Usool al Hadeeth, then this will be sufficient as a proof for Islaam”
Subhanallaah, these are some of the amazing quotes regarding study of Usool al Hadeeth. Usool al Hadeeth, without a doubt, is a science came to protect this deen. After all they say “No one’s life history has been protected like that of the Prophet (sallalahualayhi wasallaam)” Alhamdulillaah, the credit goes again to Usool al Hadeeth.

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Introduction to Science of Tajweed

A. Blessings of learning and reciting the Qur’an
B. Importance of Tajweed
C. Definition of Tajweed
D. Objective of Tajweed
E. Status of Tajweed
F. Emergence of this science
G. Principles on which Rules of Tajweed is founded upon
H. Etiquettes of Reciting Qur’aan
I. Traits the student need to learn Tajweed
J. Ways of learning Qur’aan from Qur’aan teacher

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