Da’ee got versions – upgrade pending!

One of the greatest Battle with which Islam was challenged was Battle of Trench. With all the enemies coming together, it was a threat to Muslims from all the sides. When Prophet (Sallalahualayhiwasallam) was seriously contemplating the ways to tackle the challenge, Salam al Farsi (radiyallahuanhu) suggested digging a trench as a battle strategy. Alhamdulillaah, Prophet never thought “who is this foreigner advising us?” or he never wondered how this strategy of digging a trench something very novel to Arabia going to work. He found the strategy to be valid and coping with the change of time and circumstance. Subhanallaah, Prophet with all his open mind accepted the strategy of Salman.
In the same way, I feel Da’ee should accept advancements like technology in Da’wah and so on. Da’ee should venture out for different technology which can be used in Da’wah and should adopt it as long as it doesn’t oppose principles of Qur’aan and Sunnah.
It was related to me that the noble Shaykh Uthaymeen (rahimmahullaah) was so much fond of modern electronic gadgets and he will buy the latest gadgets regularly. When we see the local Shuyook and International speakers, one thing that gives edge for International speakers over the local Shuyook is their usage and awareness of technology though both are same at the knowledge level most of the times alhamdulillaah.
We may say local Shaykhs are not to up-to-date (Conventional), at the same time, we may not have upgraded ourselves beyond emails and power point. In the age of technology, emails are durooriyat (necessity) and there are lots to be explored and used in Da’wah. Lot of tools for Da’ee to self organize himself/herself and to organize his team. Number of technologies to teach and give Da’wah
When a Da’ee looks a year back in his life from now, he should have got some number of versions of himself in terms of technology usage and knowledge bi-ithnillaah. On this note, I feel Da’ee got versions, he should upgrade himself periodically.
Fond Regards,
Umar Shariff

2 thoughts on “Da’ee got versions – upgrade pending!

  • February 20, 2010 at 12:34 am

    MashaAllah, good one.. liked the read and the Caption.

  • February 20, 2010 at 7:26 am

    Alhamdulillaah. Jazzakumallaah khayr Sister for your comments. May Allaah bless us with regular upgrade.


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