Launching Operation Ibn Umar

Abdullaah ibn Umar (radiyallaahuanhu) said it had taken him 8 years to learn Surah al Baqarah. On the contrary, we find people these days memorizing whole Qur’aan in less than years’ time. Then, What made great Sahaabi Abdullaah ibn Umar to take such a longer period to learn when he was among the youth who always surrounded and learnt from the Prophet? It is all about application of each and every verse of the Qur’aan in his life. It is well known that Sahabaahs do not move to another Surah/ayah until they memorize & apply what they have learnt already.
When Qur’aan is a book full of Action advices from our Lord, why we are not applying it in our lives? In following the footsteps of Sahaabahs, with Allaah’s grace, this is just a humble attempt to bring Qur’aan in our lives. We are going to move ayah by ayah, internalizing each one and trying to apply in our life bi-ithnillah. With these aims, I am starting the project which I like to call as Operation Ibn Umar.
What is the Plan?
1. Idea is to start the operations with widely read Surah, Surat al Kahf which we read every Friday night (Thursday night according to Solar calendar)
2. Every Wednesday, brief tafseer of one/two ayah will be posted in series so that we can practice it between two Thursdays and continue from there onwards insha Allaah.
3. Each post will have a section called “Bring it in your Life” a.k.a Action advice which tells how we can apply that ayah in our life.
What you can do?
1. Subscribe to this blog so that you don’t miss any ayah
2. Forward/Share it with your families, relatives and friends regularly
3. If you are running any Da’wah Organization/School, you can print and post it in your notice boards
4. If you find some other ways of applying the ayah, please post it as comment against that ayah post
5. If you find any corrections, please let me know. Use corrections tab in the site!
6. Make du’aa for me if you find the post to be beneficial. (Of course, I never mind if you can make du’aa for me even if you don’t find it to be beneficial. 🙂 All I am looking for is du’aa.)
Brief Tafseer is taken from KIU Semester 5 Video lectures of Shaykh Assim al Hakeem (Hafidhahullaah) and Tafsir ibn Kathir. Action advices are my attempt and reflections.
I was initially hesitating to start this operations because it involves writing about book of Allaah azza wajal. However, After praying Istikharah, I am starting this due to the fact that the materials are being taken from authentic sources and reviewed by Shaykh Assim al Hakeem (Hafidhahullaah). So starting with an open mind to any valid corrections and to which Allaah is the witness. If you find any mistakes, please feel free to correct me.
May Allaah accept this from us and keep us sincere in our intentions. I ask Allaah azza wajal to bless my teacher Shaykh Assim for his classes, and all my Shuyooks. I ask Allaah to bless all the readers who read this and benefit from this.
Fond Regards,
Umar Shariff
P.S.: Until the next post, Be curious and Stay tuned!

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