Ignored Reminders – How many are they?

Whilst I was arranging my bed, I got hit in my hand. It was so paining for a moment as I know I am getting hit like this after very long time. When I started feeling a lot and rolling over the bed to find some immediate comfort, I realized “If I am not able to bear this, How terrible might be the Hell???” When my physical pain started settling down, pain in my heart started to grow. Then I realized these are nothing but reminders in this life about the next life.

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The Parent Joy – Jumah Khutbah for Children [CFK]

Salamalaykum Brothers and Sisters,
As I mentioned earlier in my several posts, the significance of Jum’ah Khutbah is paramount. Khutbah is a divine institiution without any doubt. Alhamdulillaah, it is good to see some great Khutbahs are available in English these days. However, to my limited knowledge, Khutbah addressing especially the Children is of rarity. So I want to deliver some Child-Friendly Khutbah (CFK) in filling this void. You can definitely trademark CFK now insha Allaah 🙂

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Forgotten perspectives of Sincerity

Whenever we address the issue of Sincerity, we deal at the level of Da’wah and Da’ee. We speak about importance of being sincere to Allaah azza wajal in Da’wah. At the same time, we have to realize the audience whom we are addressing in majority are not Da’ees. Most of them are common people. They need other perspectives of Sincerity to be taught to them.

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How you can be successful in every interaction?: Islaamic perspective

In Management, many books has been written on the subject “How one can be successful in every interaction?” If I have to mention few of the books, it may run into number of pages. In those books, some of the tips works and some are not. They generally recommend you should develop listening skills, sincere to the one whom you are talking and on and on.
Subhanallaah, Islaam deals the same concept but totally from a different perspective which any Management Gurus could have thought in their wild imagination.

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Da’ee got versions – upgrade pending!

One of the greatest Battle with which Islam was challenged was Battle of Trench. With all the enemies coming together, it was a threat to Muslims from all the sides. When Prophet (Sallalahualayhiwasallam) was seriously contemplating the ways to tackle the challenge, Salam al Farsi (radiyallahuanhu) suggested digging a trench as a battle strategy. Alhamdulillaah, Prophet never thought “who is this foreigner advising us?” or he never wondered how this strategy of digging a trench something very novel to Arabia going to work.

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