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Launching Operation Ibn Umar

Abdullaah ibn Umar (radiyallaahuanhu) said it had taken him 8 years to memorize Surah al Baqarah. On the contrary, we find people these days memorizing whole Qur’aan in less than years’ time. Then, What made great Sahaabi Abdullaah ibn Umar to take such a longer period to memorize when he was among the youth who always surrounded and learnt from the Prophet? It is all about application of each and every verse of the Qur’aan in his life. It is well known that Sahabaahs do not move to another Surah/ayah until they memorize & apply what they have learnt already.
When Qur’aan is a book full of Action advices from our Lord, why we are not applying it in our lives?

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Forgotten perspectives of Sincerity

Whenever we address the issue of Sincerity, we deal at the level of Da’wah and Da’ee. We speak about importance of being sincere to Allaah azza wajal in Da’wah. At the same time, we have to realize the audience whom we are addressing in majority are not Da’ees. Most of them are common people. They need other perspectives of Sincerity to be taught to them.

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How you can be successful in every interaction?: Islaamic perspective

In Management, many books has been written on the subject “How one can be successful in every interaction?” If I have to mention few of the books, it may run into number of pages. In those books, some of the tips works and some are not. They generally recommend you should develop listening skills, sincere to the one whom you are talking and on and on.
Subhanallaah, Islaam deals the same concept but totally from a different perspective which any Management Gurus could have thought in their wild imagination.

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Saheefa Uloomul Qur’aan – Pocket book

Everyone knows Qur’aan is the only book in face of the earth today whose content is unique and author is unique. Subhanallaah, Allaah loaded the Qur’aan with number of sciences. Alhamdulillaah, Scholars of Islam developed a science to study the sciences of Qur’aan known as Uloomul Qur’aan. This is the Science which every Muslim should accustom themselves with.

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Saheefa Authority of Sunnah – Part 1

One topic of study which every Muslim should engage themselves is study of Authority and importance of Sunnah. Allaah knows the best, if this Ummah is able to understand Sunnah is an authority in the religion alongside with Qur’aan, then most of the problems which this ummah is facing/fighting will be easily solved. Degradation of sunnah is nothing but an often used strategy by kuffars, particularly Orientalists and those who want to deviate from this deen. Attacking the Sunnah became common these days. If one wants to know the reality of position of Sunnah….

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